Case Study

Todd Holley, Senior Associate

Tenant: Dividend Solar

Square Feet: 14,000

Term: 72 months


Dividend Financial met with Todd Holley with uncertainty about their growth. They were on the brink of patenting a financial lending tool for the solar industry. A future investment in their company was expected, but the dollar amount and in turn the size of their space, was unknown. They did not want to take on more space than needed, therefore did not want to outgrow the space too quickly. They were looking to find a functional office, that also reflected who they were as a company, along with maximizing productivity and employee satisfaction.


By gathering the needs of the company’s decision makers we were able to understand what they were looking for in their next office. The ideal space would need to have the ability to grow and take on additional space in the project without disrupting the company. We located a Class A office in Sorrento Mesa that had the amenities, image, and affordability that Dividend needed. During lease negotiations, Todd was able to achieve additional space to be taken at the tenant’s election. Dividend grew and locked in a rate on the additional space below market.


Dividends growth was no longer constrained by square footage. They had the ability to grow and adopt more space as they see fit. The company has now taken on over 14,000 SF of Class A office and continues to grow. The building also affords Dividend the ability for future growth with additional expansion space available. A Win/Win for both tenant and landlord!

This letter is to thank your team, and specifically Todd Holley, for the exceptional service and dedicated support extended to us in our search for a new corporate operations center in San Diego. Todd was a supportive and stabilizing voice in our management discussion, keeping us focused on our needs and what was best for the company, no matter how long the search lasted. We’re still a growing company, but you made us feel like your most important client”

  • Kyle Kolsky, SVP, Operations, Dividend Solar
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